The events that became known as Lost Weekends started entirely by accident. We were planning for our next race, an Ahrma 2 day event that was part of their ISDT Reunion Ride series. I'll get back to what exactly that is in a later post, but for the time being the relevant part is that the race was canceled. With a free weekend and a group of us having planned on racing, we decided to find an off-road park central to all of us and pretty much tear ass around and have a good time on our crocks. With people coming from TN, NC, and us in FL we settled on Durhamtown Plantation, just east of Atlanta. It had miles of trails, cabins, and looked to be far more upscale than just plugging around some random woods. It turns out, it was friggen awesome. It is such an all 'round good place. There are, indeed, miles of trails, but scattered about the place are MX courses, funky little dirt holes, hill climbs...its just an amusement park for bikes. In fact, it was so much fun I have hardly any pictures at all. There were four of us that first time: Jay, Larry, Max an' me. Here's Larry in camp filling up his shiny bike, the B-fiddy MT, a name it would earn later that weekend when it ran out of gas and we had to siphon some from my tank into his using the hose from Larry's camelback.
Here's Max, as always looking ready to get down to bidniss.
Max has never been one to just piddle around, and the first big mudhole we found he was REQUIRED to plow through...which didn't go so well.
Just look at that sad face. But Wait! There's More! The bike was completely disinterested in coming unstuck, so we were forced to rely on Jay's amazing and world renowned "gowering" skills.
Which eventually worked.
And sadly that's about it for riding pics. We spent the weekend pounding around, breaking my footpegs (Twice!) and mostly having a ball.
For some damned reason, I think because we were originally supposed to be racing that weekend, I had made an award. It wasn't for anything, but precedent was set nonetheless. From then on, if four or more of us got together to ride for a weekend somewhere, it qualified for "Lost Weekend" status and a trophy was awarded for "Whatever is Deemed Worthy This Time". That first weekend it was won by Jay.
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